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Dépassé Xiaomi Huawei est le premier fabricant de smartphones en Chine

Huawei est devenu pour la première fois le plus grand fabricant de smartphones de sa Chine natale, dépasser Xiaomi pour prendre la première place.

Sur le lucratif marché chinois des smartphones, local hero Xiaomi has been considered the top dog in recent times – though Apple has also been a major challenger of late.


That appears to have changed for Q3 of 2015, if data from research firm Canalys is to be believed.

According to a recent report (via TechCrunch), a massive push from Huawei saw the company overtaking its trendy young rival last quarter. In fact, Huawei has experienced an 81 percent surge in sales year-on-year to get to this point.

By contrast, Xiaomi’s shipments shrunk compared to the same time last year, as it struggles with the stagnating domestic smartphone market. The company

doesn’t have as much of a presence outside of China as Huawei, and smartphone sales have eased off considerably within the country.

Huawei’s ascendancy has been marked in recent weeks by the release of the Google Nexus 6P. Huawei became the first Chinese manufacturer to be given the responsibility of building a flagship phone for Google, and early reviews have been overwhelmingly positive.

Canalys will release the full Q3 figures for China at the end of October, which is when we should get to see how the likes of Apple and Samsung are doing in this increasingly important territory.Huawei has become the biggest smartphone manufacturer in its native China for the first time ever, dépasser Xiaomi pour prendre la première place.

Sur le lucratif marché chinois des smartphones, local hero Xiaomi has been considered the top dog in recent times – though Apple has also been a major challenger of late.

That appears to have changed for Q3 of 2015, if data from research firm Canalys is to be believed.

According to a recent report (via TechCrunch), a massive push from Huawei saw the company overtaking its trendy young rival last quarter. In fact, Huawei has experienced an 81 percent surge in sales year-on-year to get to this point.

By contrast, Xiaomi’s shipments shrunk compared to the same time last year, as it struggles with the stagnating domestic smartphone market. The company

doesn’t have as much of a presence outside of China as Huawei, and smartphone sales have eased off considerably within the country.

Huawei’s ascendancy has been marked in recent weeks by the release of the Google Nexus 6P. Huawei became the first Chinese manufacturer to be given the responsibility of building a flagship phone for Google, and early reviews have been overwhelmingly positive.

Canalys will release the full Q3 figures for China at the end of October, which is when we should get to see how the likes of Apple and Samsung are doing in this increasingly important territory.

According to a recent report (via TechCrunch), a massive push from Huawei saw the company overtaking its trendy young rival last quarter. In fact, Huawei has experienced an 81 percent surge in sales year-on-year to get to this point.

By contrast, Xiaomi’s shipments shrunk compared to the same time last year, as it struggles with the stagnating domestic smartphone market. The company

doesn’t have as much of a presence outside of China as Huawei, and smartphone sales have eased off considerably within the country.

Huawei’s ascendancy has been marked in recent weeks by the release of the Google Nexus 6P. Huawei became the first Chinese manufacturer to be given the responsibility of building a flagship phone for Google, and early reviews have been overwhelmingly positive.

Canalys will release the full Q3 figures for China at the end of October, which is when we should get to see how the likes of Apple and Samsung are doing in this increasingly important territory.




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